Hi, I’m Alyshia! Welcome to A Girl En Route! I’m a maple syrup loving, poutine eating Canadian who runs from the snow any chance I can get. Does that make me less of a Canadian? I will vouch for Toronto summers and Jays games!
When I was 16, I took a trip to Poland with my grandpa to visit his hometown Tomaszów, Lubelski. A countryside Polish village – population: 12 chickens. It was my first real trip abroad where I navigated pirogies and Żywiec and ultimately fell head over heels with travel.
Not just the beautiful sights of Kraków or the cobblestone streets of Warsaw, but with the people we met along the way (and a few cabbage rolls). Maybe it was because my Grandpa spoke Polish, maybe it was because it was a trip of a lifetime or maybe it was because it was something different from my own backyard. Whatever it was that sparked my interest in travel during that trip, my cute world-traveling-92-year-old-Grandpa is to be thanked!
Fast forward to finishing my Masters Degree. I travelled, I saved, I worked – to get through it, but once it was over I was free. I took a step back from a so called career and spent 4 months traveling through Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, New Zealand and Australia, experiencing first hand what travel is all about.
Once I was back home from my little adventure around the world, I let November, December and January pass before I packed my bags in February and moved to Vietnam.

I spent over 3 amazing years adventuring, cafe hopping, photographing my travels and more often than not eating my way through Ho Chi Minh City! I’ve spent the past decade sharing personal experiences and travel tips on my blog, A Girl En Route. I’ve traveled to over 26 countries, lived in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and have settled in Toronto, Canada… just for a little while!
So whether you’re new to travel or a seasoned globetrotter, A Girl En Route is my spot to share advice, hacks, and adventures to help inspire your next trip!

If you have questions or just wanna see more travel content, find me over on Instagram at @agirl.enroute! Don’t be afraid to reach out!